Summer Holiday Play Sessions
These sessions run in a very similar way to our Saturday play sessions, and offer a variety of play activities including: arts and crafts, floor toys, sensory activities, outdoor play, Wii/XBox/Playstation gaming, music, books, gardening, parachute games, sports, bouncy castles and cooking/baking etc.
Day: Various
Time: Various
Venue: Play Alloa Base, 19 Broad Street, Alloa
Cost: £6 donation per session
Funded by: Funding Dependant
Sensory Room
Play Alloa has its own well equiped Sensory Room where a carer can bring a child for some sensory play, or chill out time. This room is used when required by our own staff but is available to book by parents/carers or professionals. Contact the office directly to discuss: 01259721511.
Social Support
Play Alloa also provides a number of individual social support packages, funded by SWD, or privately funded through Direct Care Payments/Self-Directed Support. Each support package is carefully planned to ensure the maximum benefit to the service user, led by their interests, wants and needs.
Each of these packages is organised via SWD Services.
Summer Holiday Youth Activities
Play Alloa also provides a number of youth sessions and activities during school summer holiday times. These sessions run in a very similar way to our Saturday youth club sessions, and offer a variety of enjoyable activities including: arts and crafts, outdoor play, Wii/XBox/Playstation gaming, music, books, gardening, group games, sports, cooking/baking etc.
Day: Various
Time: Various
Venue: Play Alloa Base, 19 Broad Street, Alloa
Cost: £6 donation per session
Funded by: Funding Dependant